We are pleased to welcome the following new staff to the Kuyper team in 2024.
Welcome, Mr Robert Coleman. Robert will join the Kuyper staff in 2024 as a Secondary teacher, filling the current Mathematics vacancy in our high school. Robert brings extensive life experience to this role, having taught Secondary Mathematics, Science and Christian studies. He also has a Bachelor of Theology and has spent a considerable portion of his career in pastoral ministry and bible teaching. Robert has a clear vision for Christ-centred education, and we are delighted to welcome him to our teaching team. Robert is husband to Christine, one of our Teacher’s Aides, and father to Joanna and Alannah.
We also warmly welcome Mrs Anne Cuthill, who will join the Kuyper team next year as a Primary teacher. Anne is a seasoned teacher with 30 years of experience, including classroom teaching, maths and literacy tutoring, and home education. She is an accomplished curriculum programmer and proficient in the explicit teaching model we have implemented with such success in our Primary school. Anne brings with her a love for Jesus and her students, and we are excited to welcome her into the Kuyper community in 2024.
Following this, some familiar faces will take up new roles in 2024.
Mr Ja Baldwin will take up a new whole school role in 2024, managing Sport and PDHPE from Kindergarten to Year 10. Ja has already been assisting with coordinating our Primary sports programs and involvement in Zone and State sports events. As a passionate athlete and highly competent organiser, Ja has the ideal skill set for this role.
In addition, Mr Daniel Nixon, who has been part of our casual staff this year, will join us in a permanent part-time capacity in 2024 as a Secondary PDHPE teacher. Daniel has nearly three decades of experience as a PDHPE teacher and Sports Coordinator in Christian schools and has already made a valuable contribution to our Secondary teaching team.
We look forward to the energy, enthusiasm, and experience these staff members will bring to their new roles next year.