Mitch Cavens, Head of Secondary
One of the great privileges of Christian education is the partnership between school and home in the formation of children. At Kuyper Christian School, we firmly believe that parents have been given the primary responsibility to raise their children in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Our role as a school is not to replace this responsibility but to walk alongside families, reinforcing the biblical truths that shape a child’s heart, mind, and character.
This covenantal approach to education is foundational to everything we do. We see education not as a neutral pursuit of knowledge but as a deeply spiritual endeavour. Every lesson taught, every discussion held, and every relationship formed contributes to the shaping of a child’s worldview. Our goal is to nurture students who see all of life through the lens of God’s truth, equipping them to live faithfully in His world.
True Christian education is not confined to chapel services or Bible classes; it permeates every aspect of learning. Whether exploring the intricacies of mathematics, the patterns of history, or the wonders of science, we teach our students to recognise God’s order, sovereignty, and wisdom. Education is an act of worship when it points students to the Creator and deepens their understanding of Him.
At Kuyper, we take seriously our responsibility to partner with parents in this formative journey. We recognise that students do not simply absorb knowledge; they are discipled in the way they should go. Our teachers, therefore, serve as both educators and mentors, modelling faithfulness and pointing students to Christ in both word and action. The culture we cultivate at school is an extension of the Christian home—a place where students are nurtured in truth, grace, and the love of God.
This partnership between school and home is strengthened when we pray for and encourage one another. As parents, teachers, and school leaders, we share the calling to raise up young men and women who will stand firm in their faith, think critically with wisdom, and engage the world with humility and courage. Our prayer is that Kuyper students will grow to be strong in their convictions, wise in their discernment, and humble in their service.
May we continue to labour together in this great task, trusting in God’s faithfulness as we seek to equip the next generation for a life of service in His Kingdom.
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 4:6