Monday 31 March
We all know that our young people are navigating a digital world unlike any other. They have access to a world of information and images in the palm of their hand, and the popular culture surrounding them is often informed by hyper-sexualised content and toxic influencers.
Amid these challenges, our deep hope is that students at Kuyper will grow in strength, wisdom and humility. But they cannot achieve this on their own. As teachers and parents, we need to help them unpack and evaluate the messages they receive about stereotypes, relationships and sexuality so that they have the strength of character to challenge unhealthy messages and attitudes in their culture and themselves.
On Monday, 31 March, our Secondary students will participate in a Championing Young People in a Digital World seminar presented by Daniel Principe and Dr Jessica Burton.
Daniel is a passionate youth advocate and Christian educator who has presented to tens of thousands of young people across Australia. By partnering with schools and communities, Daniel encourages young people to recognise and resist distorted attitudes towards bodies, relationships and sex. Instead, inviting them to aspire to healthy relationships built on mutual respect and empathy. Further information about Daniel Principe can be found at
Dr Jessica Burton, one of our Kuyper parents, will support Daniel. Jessica is a doctor with a background in nursing whose work includes military service. She is passionate about educating young people to understand themselves and develop a healthy body literacy. Jessica brings a Christian perspective to her extensive medical expertise to assist young people in growing their understanding of their bodies so that they might be empowered to live according to God’s calling over their lives.
In a culture that presents unique challenges to the development of young men and women, we seek to advocate for a better way. We believe God has provided each child with great intrinsic value, evidenced by Jesus’ work on the cross. Our goal for this seminar is to assist our students in understanding themselves as God’s people in a more intimate sense and to be challenged to grow in wisdom, strength and humility in their relationships with others.
Detailed information about this event has been emailed to all Secondary families. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mr Mitch Cavens, Head of Secondary.